
Privacy Policy

Ver. 1.0

The following is described based on the items in Apple’s Privacy Policy guideline.

1. Data Collection and Storage
Menu data input by users is saved inside the device. Menu data uploaded by users is saved on Google owned server based on the contract with GENETEC.
The application data saved inside the device is erased by uninstalling the application. Menu data uploaded to the server is erased by uploading empty Menu data. Public Menu site information can be erased together with Pulic Upload Menu data by using \"Delete\" button in Public Upload View.

2. Data Use and Sharing
Menu data input by users can be sent to communication members by inputting the receiver's Menu Owner and Email. Communication members who know Menu Owner and Email of the person who uploaded Menu data can download the Menu data. Public Menu data can be viewed or downloaded by any application users. Only Menu Owner can update or delete the uploaded Menu data.

3. Health and Health Research
Application data input by users is not directly involved with individual health information. This shall not apply where health information is intentionally input as a part of Menu information.

4. Kids
This application does not include the functions that user’s age becomes a problem. Please be aware that Menu information has a possibility to contain descriptions about age-restricted materials such as alcohol beverages.

5. Location Services
This application does not use Location services.

2019 GENETEC, K.K.

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Menu-Today GENETEC, K.K.